What is MiDAS?
It is a membership based scheme that is designed to enhance safe minibus driving standards and promote the safer operation of minibuses, currently there are over 5,000 member organisations throughout the UK. It is an award winning, and nationally recognised, assessment and training scheme for minibus drivers in the voluntary and not-for-profit sectors. Launched in 1994, it was designed to make appropriate assessment, training and accreditation available to minibus drivers from any school or volunteer organisations at a local level. The scheme is operated by the Community Transport Association U.K. (CTA).

MiDAS Training Includes
- Minibus drivers to be assessed against a national standard of driving skills
- Drivers are given information to improve their driving if required
- Drivers to be made aware of the legal and safety issues concerning the use and driving of passenger carrying vehicles whether paid drivers or volunteers
- Trained in the safe carriage and security of wheelchairs in transit
- Provided guidance in working with people with a range of disabilities

MiDAS Scheme Benefits for Organisations & Individuals:
At Ryedale Community Transport CIO we have our own in-house MiDAS assessor and we can provide training for either Standard Minibus use or Accessible Minibus use.
We supply training for :-
- MiDAS for Minibus Drivers
- MiDAS for Car and MPV drivers.
We can deliver the training at our premises or come to you and can supply the vehicle required.
Want to Know More?
We offer MIDAS training for anyone who is over 21 and held a full licence for over two years. MiDAS is the Minibus Driver Awareness scheme, overseen by the Community Transport Association U.K. (CTA) which promotes a nationally recognised standard for the assessment and training of minibus. Get in touch with our team and we'll be able to tell you more about the course and how it can benefit you.
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