Why use Ryedale Community Transport?
The principle services of Ryedale Community Transport CIO is to provide community transport solutions to rurally isolated communities and groups, individuals with special transport needs and young people accessing training, education and jobs.
Our Services
Community Car Scheme
Individual car trips carried out by our volunteers to take you on a journey directly from your home to your destination and back again.
More InformationCommunity Bus Routes
We run a number of rural bus services that cover the Ryedale area and they a vital part of rural living as otherwise the majority of our passengers would not leave their villages.
More InformationDial & Ride Services
The Ryedale Rover is an on demand bus service to supplement existing public transport routes providing low-cost transport in areas that do not have regular public transport.
More InformationGroup Travel
We operate a fleet of vehicles with a maximum seating capacity of 16 seats and a number of wheelchair accessible vehicles to help get you out and about.
More InformationWheels to Work moped Hire
Wheels to Work is a moped hire scheme. It is for people who have difficulty in travelling to work, training or education due to the lack of suitable public or private transport.
More InformationOther Services
We offer a range of other services such as MiDAS training and the ability to hire one of our fantastic facilities.
More InformationYour Support Keeps us Moving
Ryedale Community Transport wishes to thank its supporters for their kind donations, which have enabled it to improve our services. Your support makes a real difference to those isolated groups and individuals in our community who require special transport needs.
Make a Donation