Scheme Members
Volunteer Drivers
Paid Part Time Drivers
Operational Mini Buses
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles
Wheels2Work Mopeds
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We have the honour of being awarded Queens Award for Voluntary Service
Our award-winning scheme enables Ryedale residents to live independently and to participate in their community. We provide transport to education, employment, health as well as other services.

Our Services
Ryedale Community Transport CIO starts where public transport stops. We can help those who have no other transport solution get to where they need to go.

Community Car Scheme
Individual car trips carried out by our volunteers to take you on a journey directly from your home to your destination and back again.
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Community Bus Routes
We run several rural bus services which cover the Ryedale area. These make a vital contribution to rural living as otherwise the majority most our passengers would not leave their villages.
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Dial & Ride Services
The Ryedale Rover is an on-demand bus service which augments existing public transport routes by providing low-cost transport for areas which do not have adequate regular public transport.
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Group Travel
We operate a fleet of vehicles with a maximum seating capacity of 16 seats and a number of wheelchair-accessible vehicles to help get you out and about.
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Moped Hire
Our moped hire scheme is called Wheels to Work. It is for people who have difficulty in travelling to work, training or education due to the lack of suitable public or private transport.
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Other Services
We offer a range of other services such as MiDAS training and the ability to hire our conference room with facilities such as video-conferencing.
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Join our team of volunteers
Volunteers provide the corner stone of our charity; people choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some it offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge. Regardless of the motivation, what unites them all is that they find it both challenging and rewarding.
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Updates from the team. We publish our passions and share our knowledge, experiences, and the latest news.
Reducing Costs and Improving Efficiency
Ryedale Community Transport have recently been funded by North Yorkshire Council to purchase an Electric Vehicle, a fleet of new electric mopeds…
Read MoreImprovement announced to Helmsley-Malton bus route
The trial on demand bus connection between Helsmley and Malton, which was run by Ryedale Community Transport, will become a regular service…
Read MoreRyedale Community Transport Welcomes Patron
An introduction to our first Patron. We are delighted to welcome Christopher Legard, Vice Lord-Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, as Ryedale Community Transport’s…
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